Fisherman (q) " I do not see how liking evidence discredits it. I also do not see how conclusions about evidence discredits it?
The Rebel ( a) when you look at a beautiful man/ woman what do you look at first:-
a) Her/ his eyes
b) Her/ his teeth
c) The sanitex rubber body stockings that get the blood boiling.
Well the evidence is you may be wearing contact lenses, and he/ she may have false teeth, I won't go with what lies behind the sanitex rubber body stockings... So when you go to bed with a stranger make sure you are protected, and the same goes with the strangers you meet on debating forums, they may have nice writing and nice teeth but , they may still be wearing sanitex rubber body stockings.
Conclusion great points are made on these threads, but debate them indepentently and take your time, the conclusions you then come to may astound you....
The Rebel.